Friday, October 29, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Painting On Face End Tips Painting
FIRST STEPS: Take things easy at first with simple to do designs. Cheek art is a perfect starting point with basic little patterns featuring holly, berries, snowflakes, stars, Christmas crackers, Christmas trees with a little bauble at the end of the branches, and even little faces. Remember that the theme is Christmas so red, white, green, silver and gold are essential colours. Painting animal markings on the cheeks, eyes and forehead can also look very effective, and because animal markings like tigers aren't straight you will get away with so much whilst perfecting your creation.
TIGER MARKINGS: Use a round brush with a pointed end and black paint. Tiger stripes are best done in groups of three. Always think big to small. Lay your brush down flat (for a thicker start) and while doing your stroke give it a very light wiggle and taper it off at the end. Each stroke is going to have a curved effect to it. Do a group of three one under the other. This effect would be ideal for cheeks with the markings starting on the outside working in towards the eyes. Doing a similar stroke on the forehead, a group of three on either side and tapering downwards towards the eyes would give a great look for an animal face painting.
PAINTING WHISKERS: If you're face painting any animal fancy dress enthusiasts this Christmas try using a small fine pointed brush, working outwards across the cheeks for a whisker effect. For any fine lines you may be painting, you will find that liquid paints will work the best.
FUR EFFECT: When trying to create a fur effect, use a medium-sized brush, working from the centre outwards. That way the edges taper off. Have a go on paper or a face painting practice pad first until you get to grips with the motion needed for your required effect.
ADVANTAGE OF SPONGES: These will play an important part in your face painting kit, being perfect for applying base coats, large areas of paint on the face and body, and great for blending colours. TIP make them go further by cutting them in half
COLOURS: Don't make the mistake that many learners make and rush out to buy every colour under the rainbow. All you need are your primary colours which are blue, yellow, red and black and white. From these you can mix any colour and shade you want, and it will keep costs down.
GLITTER AND STICK-ON JEWELS: Depending what design you are doing, stick-on jewels, diamante and glitter can be used to stunning effect. However, as with face paint, you need to remember to use only glitter and stick-on jewels that are safe to put on a person's skin (eg body glitter). NEVER use aluminum glitter - polyester only. Aluminum glitter can really hurt the eyes and skin.
FAMILY AFFAIR: Use your family and friends to practise on, trying out different ideas. If you begin practising now, you'll be confident enough by Christmas to paint a whole face and there are some quite spectacular and highly popular choices to have a go at. The Ice Queen and animals will always be favourites along with the traditional Santa and Rudolph.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Body Tattoo Designs
Get the best Tattoo Artist

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life
Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo
There are several different tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There are tribal zodiac designs, suns and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal band tattoos. Each design has a meaning, be it spiritual or societal. This has been the case since ancient times, when tattoos were used either to mark affiliation with a group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.
Some of the oldest known tribal tattoos existed thousands of years ago. Many of these tattoos depicted the sun and stars to honor the Sun God and the element of fire. Tribal sun tattoos, as well as stars, can vary in size and detail. This makes them adaptable for any part of your body, though the shoulders and back seem to be the most popular locations. If you want to get creative, you can make a chain of tribal stars with a tribal sun image as the center point.
Another choice of recent popularity is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. The Greek and Roman zodiac is the most popular, but cultures all over the world have applied astrological meaning to the stars for millenia. While there is no scientific basis, many people identify with the traits of their zodiac sign. If you are one of these people, a tribal zodiac tattoo may be right for you.
As stated, tattoos have represented religious meaning for many years. Because of this, many people have chosen to represent their beliefs in primitive ways with a tribal design of religious symbols. Depending on your beliefs, you may want to do some research before you make your decision. The key is to make sure that you use a symbol that is most meaningful to you. From there, you can be creative in your design, or allow your tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you.
Tribal armband tattoos are possibly the most common form of tribal art. Armbands are usually formed of flames, barbed wire, or knot work, but you do not have to stay with the basics. The point of a tattoo is to make it personal, so you can use any type of tribal art that you would like to incorporate in your armband. For example, you could use barbed wire to wrap around your arm, holding a religious symbol or zodiac sign in place. Other images can be incorporated, as well, including animals or words. For something a bit more personalized, armband tattoos can even be modified to fit around the wrist, as well
Monday, October 4, 2010
Shakara Ledard Lower Back Tattoo
Shakara Ledard has a single visible tattoo, which is located on her lower back and appears to be a tribal design of sorts, perhaps a horned animal of some kind?